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  • Dante Della Gatta

The Green Guide

Living in and studying in Amsterdam is magical - as I write, the snow flurries contrast the dark brick houses that line its streets. It's days like today when I can't help but think about the total rarity snow is nowadays in Amsterdam and what the greater implications of this observation could mean for the planet.

Global weather patterns are changing and humans have something to do with helping them change. That knowledge is well accepted and often it feels like there's nothing that individuals can do to mitigate that.

Martin and Mia shared a coffee with me late last spring to discuss their intention to curate a green guide, I was enthralled. Over the course of the last six months Mia and Martin have assembled the city's first Green Guide - a definitive guidebook to making informed choices in Amsterdam.

Note the explanation for each symbol and then flip through the categories (food, drinks, coffee, shopping etc.) until you find something that strikes your fancy. The guide even features clickable links that will take you to the location on google maps.

Head over to the green guide page of our website and let us know what you think.

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