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The relaunch of the Knowledge Hub 

Why is the Knowledge Hub relaunching? 

Members will enjoy a new community-based forum approach to share projects, opportunities and events as well as a general discussion channel to ask sustainability-related questions, share tips or connect with others.


Members will also experience easier sign up, customised notifications -including subscribing to weekly forum digests or instant notifications- and increased interactivity and functionality in their posts!

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What is changing with the relaunch?



We've adopted a community-based forum approach that allows members to share to channels for projects, opportunities and events as well as a general discussion for anyone to ask sustainability-related questions, share tips or connect with others.















Our members will be able to customise their notification settings- including subscribing to weekly forum digests or instant notifications!








Members can now include interactive links and media to their posts. In addition, posts are much easier to interact with and share to social media.















Now, individuals can more easily sign-up for our platform using their Google, Facebook or email accounts.









Important Note: All members will have to recreate an account in the new Knowledge Hub. All previous accounts on the older version of the platform were deleted on the 17th of March. 









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