The Last Honey Hunter
This beautifully filmed documentary explores the interconnections between ‘nature’ and ‘culture’ for the Kulung people of Nepal. The daily interactions, discussions, and actions of the villagers illuminates a culture in flux: torn between values of sacredness and profit. The increased market value of their precious honey due to its hallucinogenic qualities sheds light on larger questions of the impact of globalised trade and where small, previously isolated communities now fit in this complex web of socio-economic interactions.

The Human Element
The Human Element (2018) portrays renowned photographer James Balog while he discovers how environmental changes affect the lives of Americans. Following the four classic elements of air, earth, fire and water, James Balog explores forest fires, hurricanes, sea level rise, coal mining and the changes in the air we breathe.
His aim: Redefine the relationship between humans and nature.

Kiss The Ground
We often thing of protecting our oceans and air as vital to a healthy planet, but how often to you think about the value of DIRT?
Kiss the Ground (2020), is a documentary narrated by Woody Harrelson that sheds light on ‘regenerative agriculture’ – an approach that has the potential to balance our climate, replenish our vast water supplies, and feed the world. The documentary sheds light on the damaging mainstream farming practices that are turning two-thirds of our land to desert, and how this could yield up to 1 billion refugees by 2050.

‘Minimalism: A Documentary About the Important Things’ details the benefits of living a non-materialistic, or minimalist, lifestyle. Directed by Matt D’Avella, the documentary follows several people on their journey to living a more minimalist lifestyle. It aims to educate and spread awareness about the excess amount of trash, as well as simply the excess of unnecessary “things” in today’s world.

Instead of painting a catastrophic picture and focusing on the negative, this French documentary (2015) directed by Cyril Dion and Mélanie Laurent presents concrete solutions to environmental problems that we are facing today. From the US to the UK and through Finland and India, the filmmakers traveled to 10 countries to visit permaculture farms, urban agriculture projects and community-owned renewable initiatives to highlight people making a difference in the fields of food, energy, finance, democracy, and education.